Schedule of Fees and Costs
Effective February 1, 2024
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Certifying copies of any instrument in the public records, per instrument (additional copy fees apply per page) | $2.00 |
Exemplified / Authenticated Certificate, including signing and sealing | $7.00 |
Notary Services, each sign and seal | $5.00 |
Photographic copies of public records not more than 14 in. by 8.5 in., per page | $1.00 |
Photographic copies of public records more than 14 in. by 8.5 in., per page | $5.00 |
Photographic copies one-sided, other than public records, per page (board-side records such as minutes, financial records and OR Index) | $0.15 |
Photographic copies two-sided, other than public records, per reverse side of page (board-side records such as minutes, financial records and OR Index) | $0.05 |
Copying of any instrument in public records, other than by photographic process, per page | $6.00 |
Subpoena (prepare, issue, seal and file) | $7.00 |
Subpoena (sign and seal only) | $2.00 |
Searching of Court / Non-Court Records, per name / per year (10 year / $20.00 courtesy maximum) | $2.00 |
Sealing of any court file / Expungement of any record | $42.00 |
Microfilm copies of any public records, 16mm microfilm, roll of 100′ or less | $42.00 |
Microfilm copies of any public records, 35mm microfilm, roll of 100′ or less | $60.00 |
Microfiche, per fiche | $3.50 |
CD duplication, per disc (except recording info) (F.S. 119.07(4)(a)3) | $2.00 |
DVD duplication, per disc (except recording info) (F.S. 119.07(4)(a)3) | $5.00 |
Prepare BCC meeting video on DVD | $20.00 |
Deposit into Court Registry – 3% of first $500.00, plus 1.5% of each subsequent $100.00 | Varies |
Postage: When the Clerk mails documents by Certified or Registered Mail, the party requesting the documents is responsible for the postage cost. | Actual cost |
Writing any paper other than specifically mentioned, including signing and sealing | $7.00 |
Affidavit of Domicile (Prepare) | $5.00 |
Administering oath, attesting, and sealing | $3.50 |
Filing Fee for VAB Petition | $15.00 |
Tax Deed sale including application, sale, issuance, and preparation of tax deed and disbursement of proceeds of sale (other than excess proceeds) | $60.00 |
Disbursing surplus funds from Tax Deed sale, per check | $10.00 |
Approving Bond | $8.50 |
Notice of Appeal from County to Circuit Court | $281.00 |
Notice of Appeal from Circuit Court to District / Supreme Court (Circuit Court fee paid at filing of notice) | $100.00 |
District Court of Appeals / Florida Supreme Court Filing Fee (Paid directly to Appellate Court) | $300.00 |
Notice of Cross Appeal; Notice of Joinder; Motion to Intervene | $295.00 |
Certiorari and Administrative Appeals – Circuit Court | $400.00 |
Fee to Prepare Index / Record = $3.50 per instrument, $7.00 Certificate of Clerk | varies |
Civil Action Filing Fee (excluding Real Property Actions / Foreclosures) | $400.00 |
Real Property Actions / Foreclosures: Total Claim = $50,000.00 or less | $400.00 |
Real Property Actions / Foreclosures: Total Claim = Over $50,000.00 but less than $250,000.00 | $905.00 |
Real Property Actions / Foreclosures: Total Claim = $250,000.00 or more | $1,905.00 |
Additional Party Fee (each defendant after five) | $2.50 |
Issuing Summons (each summons) | $10.00 |
Cross-Claims, Counter-Claims, Third-Party Claims, Counter-Petitions: Non-Foreclosure / RPA | $395.00 |
Cross-Claims, Counter-Claims, Third-Party Claims, Counter-Petitions: Foreclosure / RPA – Total Claim = $50,000.00 or less | $395.00 |
Cross-Claims, Counter-Claims, Third-Party Claims, Counter-Petitions: Foreclosure / RPA – Total Claim = Over $50,000.00 but less than $250,000.00 | $900.00 |
Cross-Claims, Counter-Claims, Third-Party Claims, Counter-Petitions: Foreclosure / RPA – Total Claim = $250,000.00 or more | $1,900.00 |
Forfeiture | $1,001.00 |
Petition for Writ of Certiorari / Prohibition / Mandamus | $400.00 |
Attachment, Replevin, Distress (additional to standard filing fee) | $85.00 |
Motion – Writs of Garnishment | $85.00 |
Foreign Judgment – Enforcement (money judgment) | $442.00 |
Reopen Fee | $50.00 |
Malpractice – 90 Day Extension | $42.00 |
Eminent Domain (per deposit) | $170.00 |
Severance from action | $18.00 |
Deposit into Court Registry: 3% of first $500, plus 1.5% of each subsequent $100 | varies |
Sealing of any court file / Expungement of any record | $42.00 |
Subpoena (prepare, sign, and seal) | $7.00 |
Subpoena (sign and seal only) | $2.00 |
Partial Payment Fee – one time charge | $25.00 |
Foreclosure Sale Fee | $70.00 |
Disbursing surplus funds from Foreclosure sale (per check) | $15.00 |
Pro Hac Vice Motion | $100.00 |
Small Claims: Claims less than $100.00 | $55.00 |
Small Claims: Claims $100.00 but not more than $500.00 | $80.00 |
Small Claims: Claims over $500.00 but not more than $2,500.00 | $175.00 |
Small Claims: Claims over $2,500.00 but not more than $8,000.00 | $300.00 |
County Civil Non-Eviction: Claims over $8,000.00 but not more than $15,000.00 | $300.00 |
County Civil Non-Eviction: Claims over $15,000.00 but not more than $50,000.00 | $400.00 |
Eviction / Removal of Tenant (no damages or damages amount up to $2,500.00) | $185.00 |
Eviction / Removal of Tenant (damages amount more than $2,500.00 but not more than $15,000.00) | $300.00 |
Eviction / Removal of Tenant (damages amount more than $15,000.00 but not more than $50,000.00) | $400.00 |
Equity, injunctive relief, abandoned property, enforcement of lien, declaratory judgment, unlawful detainer and foreclosure (lien, HOA, etc.) up to $15,000.00 | $300.00 |
Equity, injunctive relief, abandoned property, enforcement of lien, declaratory judgment, unlawful detainer and foreclosure (lien, HOA, etc.) more than $15,000.00 but not more than $50,000.00 | $400.00 |
Cross-Claims, Counter-Claims, Third-party Complaints with relief sought $2,500.00 – $15,000.00 | $295.00 |
Cross-Claims, Counter-Claims, Third-party Complaints with relief sought more than $15,000.00 but not more than $50,000.00 | $395.00 |
Replevin suit with simultaneous claim not exceeding $1,000.00 | $130.00 |
Attachment, Replevin, Distress (in addition to standard filing fee) | $85.00 |
Motion – Writs of Garnishment | $85.00 |
Additional Party Fee (each defendant after five) | $2.50 |
Issuing Summons (each summons) | $10.00 |
Pro Hac Vice Motion | $100.00 |
Foreign Judgment – Enforcement (in addition to standard filing fee for case type) | $42.00 |
Court ordered mediation service (county court cases where amount in controversy is not more than $15,000.00; not applicable in eviction and small claims cases) | $60.00 |
Reopen Fee for County Civil Actions up to $500.00 | $25.00 |
Reopen Fee for County Civil Actions more than $500.00 | $50.00 |
Partial Payment Fee – one time charge | $25.00 |
Subpoena (prepare, sign, and seal) | $7.00 |
Subpoena (sign and seal only) | $2.00 |
Foreclosure Sale Fee | $70.00 |
Disbursing surplus funds from Foreclosure sale, per check | $15.00 |
Dissolution of Marriage, including Simplified | $408.00 |
Adoptions, other than Ch. 39, including sealing of court file | $442.00 |
Name Change, Delayed Birth Certificate, Termination of Parental Rights | $400.00 |
Removal of Disability of Minors (Emancipation) | $400.00 |
All other Family Law Actions not listed (including Paternity, Parenting Plan, Temporary Custody by Extended Family, Child Pick-up, etc.) | $300.00 |
Counter-Petition seeking Dissolution of Marriage | $392.50 |
Counter-Petition not seeking Dissolution of Marriage: Proceedings filed under ch. 39 state agency adoptions; ch. 61 child custody; ch. 741 civil action againts parents, domestic violence; ch. 742 paternity; ch. 747 conservatorship; ch. 752 grandparents visition; ch. 753 visitation | $295.00 |
Counter-Petition, other than listed above (TPR, adoptions, name change, delayed birth, etc.) | $395.00 |
Foreign Judgments (plus appropriate filing fee for action) | $42.00 |
Reopen Fee | $50.00 |
Issuing Summons (each summons) | $10.00 |
Subpoena (prepare, sign, and seal) | $7.00 |
Subpoena (sign and seal only) | $2.00 |
Partial Payment Fee – one time charge | $25.00 |
Court ordered mediation services provided by Circuit Court Mediation Program: Family income greater than $50,000.00 but less than $100,000.00 per year, each party | $120.00 |
Court ordered mediation services provided by Circuit Court Mediation Program: Family income less than $50,000.00, each party | $60.00 |
Pro Hac Vice Motion | $100.00 |
Child Support: | |
Prepare and issue Certified Statement of Deliquency and Notice of Impending Judgment | $25.00 |
Judgment Fee (If NCP contests and Judge denies motion OR if NCP fails to contest and fails to pay) | $25.00 |
Judgment Payoff Statement (created only to provide NCP balance to satisfy judgment) | $25.00 |
Document Preparation Fee (judgment, partial release, satisfaction, etc.) | $7.00 |
Payment History, per page | $1.00 |
Child Support and Alimony Payments, per payment: | |
Payments of $25.00 or less | $1.00 |
Payments of $25.01 to $131.24, percentage of payment | 4% |
Payments of $131.25 or more | $5.25 |
Ch. 39 State Agency Adoptions, including sealing of court file | $342.00 |
Adoption, other than Ch. 39 State Agency, including sealing of court file | $442.00 |
Private Dependency Action / TPR | $400.00 |
Removal of Disability of Minors (Emancipation) | $400.00 |
Counter-Petition: Proceedings filed under ch. 39 state agency adoptions; ch. 61 child custody; ch. 741 civil action againts parents, domestic violence; ch. 742 paternity; ch. 747 conservatorship; ch. 752 grandparents visition; ch. 753 visitation | $295.00 |
Reopen Fee | $50.00 |
Indigency / Application Fee, each application | $50.00 |
Issuing Summons (each summons) | $10.00 |
Formal Administration / Ancillary Administration | $400.00 |
Petition to Establish a Trust | $400.00 |
Curator / Conservatorship | $400.00 |
Summary Administration: Estates valued at $1,000.00 or more | $345.00 |
Summary Administration: Estates valued less than $1,000.00 | $235.00 |
Disposition of Personal Property Without Administration | $231.00 |
Petition to Admit Foreign Will, Authenticated / Exemplified Copies or Transcript of Record (only) | $231.00 |
Petition to Determine Homestead Status (only), Petition to Determine Beneficiaries / Heirs (only), Petition to Open a Safe Deposit Box (only) | $231.00 |
Caveat / Notice of Trust (no estate open) | $41.00 |
Guardianship, Person and Property / Property only | $400.00 |
Guardianship, Person only / Veteran’s | $235.00 |
Determination of Incapacity / Incompetency | $231.00 |
Maintain Professional Guardian files | $7.50 |
Reopen Fee | $50.00 |
Pro Hac Vice Motion | $100.00 |
Guardianship Audit Fees: | |
Verified Inventory (Value of Ward’s property exceeds $25,000.00) | $85.00 |
Estates with a value of $25,000.00 or less | $20.00 |
Estates with a value of more than $25,000.00 up to and including $100,000.00 | $85.00 |
Estates with a value of more than $100,000.00 up to and including $500,000.00 | $170.00 |
Estates with a value of more than $500,000.00 | $250.00 |
Driver License Reinstatements | $60.00 |
D6 Late Fee | $16.00 |
Driver License Suspension Clearance | $7.00 |
Driving Records: | |
Three (3) year record printout | $14.25 |
Seven (7) year record printout | $16.25 |
Receiving and disbursing all restitution payments, per payment | $3.50 |
Receiving and disbursing all felony partial payments, other than restitution payments, for which an administrative process fee is not imposed, pursuant to F.S. 28.246, per month | $5.00 |
Receiving and disbursing all non-felony partial payments, other than restitution payments, pursuant to F.S. 28.246, initial payment only | $25.00 |
Marriage License, including certified copy (with Certificate of Premarital Preparation Course) | $61.00 |
Marriage License, including certified copy (without Certificate of Premarital Preparation Course) | $86.00 |
Certified Copy of Marriage License, each | $3.00 |
Duplicate Marriage License | $30.00 |
Amended Marriage License | $30.00 |
Passport Book for ages 16 and older (plus $130.00 fee to U.S. Dept. of State) | $35.00 |
Passport Book for ages 15 and younger (plus $100.00 fee to U.S. Dept. of State) | $35.00 |
Passport Card for ages 16 and older (plus $30.00 fee to U.S. Dept. of State) | $35.00 |
Passport Card for ages 15 and younger (plus $15.00 fee to U.S. Dept. of State) | $35.00 |
Passport Photo | $10.70 |
Expedited Passport Service Fees: | |
Expedite Fee ($60.00 to U.S. Dept. of State) | n/a |
Express Stamp (optional) | $28.75 |
1-2 day Delivery Fee – per application (optional) ($19.53 fee to U.S. Dept. of State) | n/a |
Deed Documentary Stamps: calculated at a rate $0.70 per $100.00 of consideration or part on deeds / other instruments conveying interest in real estate. ($0.70 stamp must be affixed to deeds that have a consideration of $100.00 or less) | $0.70 |
Mortgage Documentary Stamps: calculated at a rate $0.35 per $100.00, or fraction thereof, on promise to pay documents (Promissory Notes, Certificates of Indebtedness, Retail Charge Agreements, etc.) | $0.35 |
Intangible Tax: a nonrecurring tax of two mills (.002) on the dollar of the just valuation of all notes, bonds, and other obligations for payment of money, which are secured by mortgage, deed of trust, or other lien upon real property situated in the state | 0.002 mills |
Recording, indexing, and filing any authorized instrument not greater than 8 1/2 X 14 inches (unless specified otherwise): | |
First page | $10.00 |
Each additional page | $8.50 |
Notice of Lis Pendens, first page | $5.00 |
Notice of Lis Pendens, each additional page | $4.00 |
Indexing instruments recorded in the official records which contain more than four (4) names (per additional name) | $1.00 |
Examining, certifying, and recording plats and for recording condominium exhibits larger than 14 inches by 8 1/2 inches, first page | $30.00 |
Examining, certifying, and recording plats and for recording condominium exhibits larger than 14 inches by 8 1/2 inches, each additional page | $15.00 |
Registration only of Foreign Judgment with no enforcement (additional mailing fees) | $42.00 |
Transfer of Judgment Lien to Security Certificate, making and serving (F.S. 55.10(5)) | $15.00 |
Additional Judgment Lien transfers (F.S. 55.10(5)) | $7.50 |
Transfer of Mechanics Lien to Security Certificate, making and serving (F.S. 713.24(1)(b)) | $20.00 |
Additional charge for each additional Mechanics Lien (F.S. 713.24(1)(b)) | $10.00 |